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Little Life Box Reviews – Read What All say about it?

We have compiled Little Life Box reviews from various audiences, including bloggers, expert reviewers, the brand itself and, most importantly, the normal consumer. Read What All Say About Little Life Box, Having Seasonal Subscriptions, Gift Boxes and Corporate offers, Beauty, Wellness, Snacks & more!

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Little Life Box Meta Review - Insights and Highlights

Discover firsthand opinions about Little Life Box . Is it a hit or miss? We’ve aggregated user and pro reviewers feedback for you. below are the key takeaways:


"I'm happy they have a product page, detailing the background info on each product and letting you know where you can buy them."

"I love coconut so much, that bar is a real threat! It is delicious and even better, it is gluten-free, vegan, soy-free and contains no-GMOs."

"I’ve been getting boxes of happiness in the mail for a year now... My mum bought me the first subscription for a birthday gift, and now I'm hooked."

"Each cookie has up to 28% of your daily fibre! Oh, and they're also delicious. "

"$175.77 CAD which is amazing! The big items included the Athena palette, the beauty oil, along with the box of almond butter."

"I’m super happy with this box, which introduced me to amazing vegan and healthy brands. "

" Every box is guaranteed to be different so you’ll never get the same item twice."

"The box is big and always filled to maximum capacity. No fillers here. "

"Each box gives you the opportunity to sample and experience new green, organic healthy products in a convenient and fun way."

"I’ve received two masks from this brand in my last box, but I am someone who loves face masks so I’m happy to see more! "

"This little box is a monthly reminder to stay healthy, and it’s a pleasure to go through. "


"No Cons Available On The Web."

Final Thoughts:

" Little Life Box always gets their hands on healthy, vegan and natural products that I like. Get quickly your Summer box! I bet they will be sold out in no time."

"We Find it a great brand after reading the customers' reviews. We suggest you to first see the description of the box and then only make any purchase."

Visit Little Life Box

Their boxes include a variety of healthy items that can be either or all of the following: gluten-free, organic, non-GMO, vegan, no preservatives, eco-friendly or fairtrade. Unfortunately, they are unable to customize your boxes.

You’ll receive 8-12 healthy items (skincare, beauty, snacks, wellness and more). The box is valued at minimum $80 including shipping. Seasonal Subscription box is vegan friendly.

Summer box: from June 1st to the last day of August at midnight. (or until they sell out)

Take a look at their Past Boxes page for more information on the producers, the products and where they can be purchased.

Our boxes are available as a subscription. We recommend you try our Seasonal subscription at which point you can cancel anytime or checkout our Gift Boxes for one-time purchases.

Their subscriptions are billed once every 3 months on the same date every 3 months (the day that you signed-up). The 1 year pre-paid subscriptions are one time payments and do not renew automatically.

They do not accept returned boxes. If a box is returned to them, they will have to charge you for the shipping costs both ways. If you have any problems please e-mail at [email protected].